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Instructions & Contents
This article explains how to magnetize the Dominus Knight model using the kit from The Magnet Baron.
To assemble this kit you will need glue, files or sandpaper, and a knife or clippers. You will need to remove the 3D printed parts from their sprues and sand (or file, we use the terms interchangeably) the parts to remove the support artifacts. You may need to sand some parts for them to fit together properly.
Please follow the normal assembly instructions as they come with the plastic kit. The instructions below are only for the magnetization of the parts pictured and do not show the full assembly process.
To keep track of the polarity of the magnets, we use a set of Magnicator tools. We may refer to the polarity of the magnets as “red” or “blue,” after which magnicator is attracted to that magnet’s surface. (The normal terms such as North & South or positive & negative are unnecessary here.) If you do not have those or similar tools, ensure you have some other method of tracking a magnet’s polarity. For example, you might color one surface of a spare, large magnet with a marker and reference back to it every time you use a magnet. Possibly attach that large magnet to a tool that you can keep nearby but you won’t need to use; A hammer or wrench, for example.

As of the time we are writing this guide, the GW sells a kit called the Dominus Knight. It can make the Imperial Knights Castellan, Valliant, and the Chaos Knight Tyrant. We will refer to the knight you are building using this guide as the Dominus.
The kit comes with one sprue, one magnet gluing guide and a set of YY magnets (potentially with some extras). The individual parts on the sprues have an alphanumeric code recessed into the part to help you keep track.
Magnet Diameter (mm)
Magnet Thickness (mm)
Code | Name | Parts per Kit | Magnet (mm) | Magnets Each | Magnet Total |
D1 | Bicep | 2 | 6mm x 2mm | 1 | 2 |
D2 | Elbow | 4 | 6mm x 2mm | 1 | 4 |
2mm x 2mm | 2 | 8 | |||
D3 | Arm Shield Bracket | 2 | 2mm x 2mm | 2 | 4 |
D4 | Piston Arm-to-Weapon | 8 | - | 0 | 0 |
D6 | Breech Cap for Weapons | 2 | - | 0 | 0 |
GD1 | Magnet Guide for Carapace Weapons | 1 | 6mm x 2mm | 5 | 5 |
6mm x 1mm | 2 | 2 | |||
- | Hip and Waist Joint | - | 12mm x 3mm | 2 | 2 |
Table of 3D printed parts, their codes, and the magnets they use.
Once the parts are carefully removed from the supports, if the code is difficult to see, you can take a marker and pass it over the recessed code. It should be much more obvious afterwards.
Step #1 | Waist Joint |
Magnets Used | Size |
1 | 12mm x 3mm |
3D Printed Parts | None |
Model Parts | Dominus |
Hip Cap | C5 |
Torso Bottom | C4 |
Below is a rendering of the parts needed to magnetize the waist of an unspecified Knight kit. The parts are not necessarily the parts that are in your specific kit, although the part numbers in the above table are correct. You will need the hip cap (an inverted bowl with an alignment nub), the torso bottom (an inverted bowl with a hole for the alignment nub), and two 12mm x 3mm disk magnets.
Using a Magnicator or other method, ensure that both magnets are in the same orientation, as shown in the renderings.
Insert one 12mm x 3mm magnet into the recess under the bowl on the hip cap and glue it in place. Once the glue has dried, using clippers or a hobby knife, remove the alignment nub and a portion of the bowl to expose the top of the magnet. Place the second 12mm x 3mm magnet on top of the alignment hole in the torso bottom and glue it in place.
See the following rendering.
The magnets are very strong and do not need to touch in order to hold. Below is a rendering of the completed assembly. Continue to assemble the torso and legs as described in the instructions.
Step 2 | Dominus Carapace Weapons | |
Magnets Used | Size | |
2 | 6mm x 1mm | |
5 | 6mm x 2mm | |
3D Printed Parts | Code | |
Magnet Guide | GDI | |
Model Parts | Dominus | # |
Main Carapace | C27 | 1 |
Carapace Weapon Side Mounts | A16 | 2 |
Siegebreaker Canon Base | A44 | 2 |
Shieldbreaker Missile Base | A35 | 2 |
Below is a rendering of the parts used to magnetize the Dominus Knight’s carapace weapons, the magnet gluing guide GD1, and the orientation of the magnets.
Note that Carapace Weapon Side Mounts A16, Siegebreaker Cannon Base A44, and Shieldbreaker Missile Base A35 have two parts in the kit and both need to be magnetized. The Dominus only uses one Main Carapace C27, so it only needs to be magnetized once. Depending upon the kit you own, you may have more than the above quantities of these pieces in your box.
Main Carapace C27: Using the orientation of “GD1” for reference, the key on the right corresponds with the Main Carapace C27. There are many ways to glue the magnet to the part, but we recommend putting a small drop of super glue on the part where the magnet will go first. Then position the guide GD1 on the carapace C27 as shown below, careful to not get the glue onto the guide. Then carefully slide a 6mm x 2mm magnet into position in the correct orientation. You can use a Magnicator or small metal tool, such as a bent paper clip or a file, to hold the magnet. Remove the guide GD1 being careful to not bump the magnet.
Carapace Weapon Mounts A16: You will magnetize both of the disks that insert into the side of the main carapace to which the weapons will mount. The carapace mount A16 will push-fit into the guide GD1 using the bottom guide key. Using the same method as described above, place a 6mm x 2mm magnet on the bottom side of the mount A16. (The orientation of the carapace mount disk A16 in the guide is not important in this case, but notice the detailed pop-out on the bottom of A16 will not fit into the guide GD1.
Siegebreaker Cannon Base A44: You will magnetize both Siegebreaker Cannon Base A44 parts. To prevent the step from contacting the magnet in A16, you need to remove the stem on the bottom side of the part A44 and file or sand it flat. Using the guide key on the left of GD1, the part A44 will push on quite tightly if properly oriented as shown below. Carefully glue a 6mm x 2mm magnet to the INSIDE of the cannon base A44.
Shieldbreaker Missile Base A35: You will magnetize both Shieldbreaker Missile Base A35 parts using the two smaller 6mm x 1mm magnets. Remove the stem on the bottom side of the part A35 and file or sand it flat. This is where the magnet goes, so you will need to get it as flat as possible. A32 should slot into the top guide key on GD1 if orientated as shown. Glue the 6mm x 1mm magnet to the bottom of the missile base where the stem used to be.
While it may be almost impossible to perform all of the magnetizations at once, here is a complete rendering as a reference. The code GD1 is not visible from the bottom side, so we used an X-ray of the part.
Step 3 | Dominus (Elbow/Bicep) | |
Magnets Used | Size | |
6 | 6mm x 2mm | |
3D Printed Parts | # | Code |
Bicep | 2 | D1 |
Elbow | 4 | D2 |
Plastic Model Parts Needed | Dominus | |
None | - | |
Plastic Model Parts Replaced | Dominus | |
Bicep Assembly | A13, A14 | |
Elbow Assembly | A10, A11 |
Below is a rendering of the new bicep piece D1, elbow piece D2, and two 6mm x 2mm magnets.
Use a file or knife to ensure both magnet recesses are clear and clean. Note that the bottom of D1 will fit into D2, so the magnet of D2 will need to be put all of the way down inside the recess. Use a Magnicator or other method to ensure the magnets are correctly aligned as shown below.
Use super glue to fix the magnets to the parts. You will probably need to use a tool to get the magnet into D2 properly. Suggestions are a bent paperclip, a screwdriver/file/allen wrench, or a stack of smaller magnets. If you use the same sized magnets, you will need to be careful to not get glue onto the second magnet because it will be difficult to remove from the inside of D2.
The below cutaway will show you how deep the magnets need to be.
The parts match together as shown below.
Repeat the process for the second D1 bicep part and three remaining D2 elbow parts.
To complete the weapon assembly:
- Use the magnetized D1 bicep in place of the Dominus Kit A13 and A14 assembly.
Use the magnetized D2 elbow in place of the Dominus Kit A10 and A11 assembly.
Step 4 | Decorative Parts | |
Magnets Used | Size | |
0 | - | |
3D Printed Parts | # | Code |
Elbow | 2 | D2 |
Piston Arm-to-Weapon | 4 | D4 |
Weapon Breech Cap | 2 | D6 |
Plastic Model Parts Replaced | Dominus | # |
Weapon Assemblies | ||
Plastic Model Parts Replaced/Duplicated | Dominus | # |
Piston Arm-to-Weapon | A28 | 4 |
Breech Cap | A49 | 2 |
Below is a rendering of a D4 piston arm-to-weapon, and D6 weapon breech cap.
We left the large D4 code on the part so it is easily identified, but you should use a knife, file, or sand paper to remove the marking before using.
D4 replaces the two Dominus Kit part A28s on all four D2 elbow parts, for a total of eight. They do not need to be glued so they can move when adjusting the tilt of the arm weapon. If they seem too loose in your specific set of parts, you can glue them at the bottom (where the piston attaches to the weapon), which should still allow them some freedom of movement.
There are four arm weapons but only two A49 breech caps, so we have included two of the D6 breech cap to be used on the other two arm weapons. There are notches on the back of the arm weapons that align with the larger tabs on the center of the breech caps. It is not necessary to worry too much about those, as long as you are sure that the skull on the back is facing upright.
Step 5 | Arm Shield | |
Magnets Used | Size | |
4 | 2mm x 2mm | |
3D Printed Parts | # | Code |
Elbow | 2 | D2 |
Arm Shield Bracket | 4 | D3 |
Plastic Model Parts Replaced | Dominus | # |
Arm Shield | A21 | 2 |
Plastic Model Parts Replaced | ||
Elbow Assembly | A10, A11 | 2 |
Arm Sheild Bracket | A12 | 2 |
Below is a rendering of a D2 elbow, D3 arm shield bracket, and one 2mm x 2mm magnet.
In order to be consistent right-to-left, you will need to ensure your magnets are orientated as shown below when gluing. The magnet holes on D2 are through-hole, so be careful to glue the magnets flush with the outside of the hole. The magnets in D3 should be opposite (so they attract each other). Same with the D2 elbows.
Here is a cutaway view of two D2 elbows and two D3 arm shield brackets in a left-and-right orientation. Note, you will need to create a second right-left pair of D2 elbows. In this manner, two D2 elbows, and therefore two knight guns, will be used on the right side and the other two will be for the left. See OPTIONAL process below for a different approach to the symmetry.
Glue D3 to the arm shield A21 for both shields.
The elbow to arm shield assembly completed.
By purchasing an additional eight 2mm x 2mm magnets, two per D2 elbow, you can make it such that your weapons can be used on either side. Insert another 2mm x 2mm magnet in each D2 through hole as shown below.
This enables the D2 elbow, and its attached weapon, to use either the left or right arm shield or D1 bicep.