Stormboyz Magnetization Recommendations
Use the Extra Small Flat Magnetic Flight Stands for your Gargoyles. [Buy Product=warhammer-40k-medium-sall-flat-jetbike-stand-posable-magnetic-flight-stand,Variant=All] Use the Medium Thick Flush-Fit Basing Magnets to magnetize the bases of your Ork Stormboyz. [Buy...
Stormboyz Magnetization Recommendations
Use the Extra Small Flat Magnetic Flight Stands for your Gargoyles. [Buy Product=warhammer-40k-medium-sall-flat-jetbike-stand-posable-magnetic-flight-stand,Variant=All] Use the Medium Thick Flush-Fit Basing Magnets to magnetize the bases of your Ork Stormboyz. [Buy...
Deffkoptas Magnetization Recommendations
Use the Large Posable Magnetic Flight Stand. [Buy Product=warhammer-40k-flight-stands/products/large40k,Variant=All] You can also use the Medium Flat Magnetic Flight stands. [Buy Product=2x-medium-flat-magnetic-flight-stands,Variant=All]Stand. For the flat bottomed clear skimmer base...
Deffkoptas Magnetization Recommendations
Use the Large Posable Magnetic Flight Stand. [Buy Product=warhammer-40k-flight-stands/products/large40k,Variant=All] You can also use the Medium Flat Magnetic Flight stands. [Buy Product=2x-medium-flat-magnetic-flight-stands,Variant=All]Stand. For the flat bottomed clear skimmer base...
Blitza-Bommer, Dakkajet, Burna-Bommer, Wazbom B...
For a sturdy flight stand, use the Large Flat – Tal Magnetic Flight Stand. [Buy Product=2x-large-flat-extra-strength-magnetic-flight-stands,variant=14030251360340] To magnetize the base to a magnetic transport case, use the Large Thin,...
Blitza-Bommer, Dakkajet, Burna-Bommer, Wazbom B...
For a sturdy flight stand, use the Large Flat – Tal Magnetic Flight Stand. [Buy Product=2x-large-flat-extra-strength-magnetic-flight-stands,variant=14030251360340] To magnetize the base to a magnetic transport case, use the Large Thin,...