Uthar and KahlMagnetization Kit

Regular price $8.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $8.99 USD
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Drill Bit Small Bundle 1mm-3mm
Large Pin Vise (0.5mm-8mm)
Maxi-Cure Plus Super Glue For Magnets
Insta-Set Quick Set Superglue Spray
50pcs Flush-Fit Base Magnets - Large Thick 6mm x 2.6mm
Bases with Magnets-Warhammer - 40mm 5-Pack Round
Scenic Base Flat-Bottomed Self-Adhesive Magnets - 40mm Round (5-Pack)

Magnetize the Uthar or Kahl mini for the Leagues of Votann with Noone Gaming.


 3pcs 1x0.5mm disc magnets

7pcs 2x1mm disc magnets

1pc 2x3mm disc magnet



Her'es a tutorial on how to use this magnetization kit.

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