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Contemptor Dreadnought Magnetization Kit

Regular price $9.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $9.99 USD
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Magnicators V2
Maxi-Cure Plus Super Glue For Magnets
Insta-Set Quick Set Super Glue Spray
50pcs Flush-Fit Base Magnets - Large Thick 6mm x 2.6mm
Scenic Round Base Flat-Bottomed Self-Adhesive Magnets - 60mm Round (3-Pack)
100pcs 4mm x 1mm (Approximately 5/32" x 1/32") Disc Magnets - Default Title

Magnetizing the new plastic Contemptor Dreadnought from The Age of Darkness Horus Heresy box set with this no drill magnetization kit.


All magnets are sorted into individual bags with short descriptions of where they are intended to be placed. 

2pcs 4mm x 2mm disc magnets - shoulder joint

10pcs 4mm x 1mm disc magnets - options (Updated from 5 to 10 on July 24th 2024)

2pcs 6mm x 2mm disc magnets - Havoc Launcher - glued inside the torso and launcher


This is a no drill kit. 

The 4mm magnets have holes ready to go from the molded kit itself from Games-Workshop.


The 6x2's are glued inside the model during assembly.


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