A variety of super glues for a variety of reasons. Here's a quick overview about the specific uses of each of our super glues.
Before getting to any one adhesive, we chose to carry this glue brand for a reason. It is the only one that can hold the strongest N52 Neodymium Super Magnets that we carry reliably. We could have gone with a number of different brands but this one worked better.
Maxi-Cure Plus Super Glue
This is a standard super glue with reasonable work and cure times. A little bit of gap filling goes a long way when magnetizing.
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Insta-Set Accelerant
Not an adhesive, this is a spray that cures the Maxi-Cure within a few seconds.
Not compatible with Super Gold, and Insta-Cure contains some Insta-Set already.
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This is a super quick cure time, it has some of the accelerant in the formula so it is a little looser but quick incredibly fast.
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Super Gold
Colorless, odorless, and a little slower to cure, this CA glue is just as strong as the others but is the best for clear plastics and glass for a no-fog super glue. This is a premium glue and is a little slower to cure than the others. Not compatible with Insta-Set, it will heat up, still take a while to cure, and then fog. If you want fast acting go with the other glues we carry.
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This is a 2-part epoxy adhesive, best for when you have big magnets in big projects. Think 18mm magnets or larger.
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Super Glue Caps
These are compatible with any of the 1/2oz, 1oz, or 2oz bottles but not the 8oz or Epoxy bottles of glue, not compatible with Insta-Set.
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Green Stuff
When you just need some time and a lot of material to fill a space where you want a magnet, mix up a pinch of the blue and yellow and show a magnet into it.
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Good Magnet Gluing Practices:
If you are gluing a magnet into a hole there should be plenty of surface area to hold it in with glue.
If you are gluing a magnet to a smooth surface, very lightly sand or scuff the surface of the magnet and the gluing surface.
Try to keep finger oils to a minimum on the magnets and destination surfaces as these can reduce the effectiveness of adhesives.