Armiger & War Dog Magnetization Guide 1.0 Archived


Version 1.0 details-drilling required

This page is a preserved version of the 1.0 Armiger & War Dog magnetization guide. This is provided so anyone who still has the 1.0 kit can get the full value out of the kit and still magnetize their models.


Make sure you have all the drill bit sizes, a pin vise, and super glue to complete the job.

All magnets are sorted into individual bags with short descriptions of where they are intended to be placed.

2 times these (complete contents below) 

3pcs 1x0.5mm for the three face plates

1pc 1x0.5mm for the blank head

1pc 2x1mm for head mount slot

3pcs 2x1mm for each head

2pcs 3x1mm for weapon arms

4pcs 5x1mm for the weapons

2pcs 8x2mm for waist to torso



All magnets are the strongest N52 grade tripple coated Neodymium super magnets available.

All of these magnets are are disc magnets listed as the diameter x height.


Complete list of magnets included are below.

10pcs 1x0.5mm

10pcs 2x1mm

4pcs 3x1mm

8pcs 5x1mm

4pcs 8x2mm


Here's a great instructional tutorial on how to magnetize the Armiger or Chaos War Dog from Scrapper!